Frequently Asked Question!


  • Download the DAP app from playstore & login using the crdentials provided to you.
  • Switch on the device, click on find device on the App.
  • Once the device is discovered, connect the device to wifi and punch in the unique key wriiten on the back side of the device.

  • Click on Find Device after logging in to wifi. Make sure the device is nearby to the phone
  • Once the device is discovered, Click on connect and it will show all the wifi access point.
  • Select the wifi and input the password and device unique key on the backside of device
  • The device will now connect to the wifi

  • Multiple users can be assigned in the tenant dashboard.
  • Login to the tenant web dashbaord.
  • Click on the device and select the customer you want to assign to.
  • You can add multiple users under the customer groups and all users added will be able to view the device.

  • The Indoor air quality index (IAQI) is an index for reporting air quality on a daily basis.
  • It is a measure of how air pollution affects one's health within a short time period.
  • The purpose of the AQI is to help people know how the local air quality impacts their health.
  • The IAQI is caluclted based on the guidelines issued by CPCB.

  • On the web dashboard as well as the mobile app, A list of devices assigned to you is shown in the top dropdown.
  • Selecting the device will display the data of that particular device
  • Rebuilding better products, services or experiences through redesign.
  • Innovating and developing products, experiences or services.

  • First check in the device icon if its connected to wifi or not
  • Then you can check if the device is online or not on the web dashboard.
  • Make sure you click on the allow notification in the browser and or mobile app